World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends for Women 2017 (ILO, June 2017)
This report by the International Labour Organization (ILO) examines the global and regional labour market trends and gaps, including in labour force participation rates, unemployment rates, employment status as well as sectoral and occupational segregation. It also presents a global in-depth analysis of the key drivers of female labour force participation by investigating the personal preferences of women and the societal gender norms and socio-economic constraints that women face.
A key finding of this report is that closing these labour market gaps would yield significant economic benefits in terms of GDP growth while at the same time improving individual welfare in multiple dimensions. However, the report finds that there are significant socio-economic and gender norm constraints influencing a woman’s decision to participate. Accordingly, the report introduces a comprehensive framework to address the drivers of these gender gaps and outlines a series of policy recommendations to improve the labour market outcomes of women.
Relevant links:
a)the report:—dgreports/—inst/documents/publication/wcms_557245.pdf
b)gender gaps in the labour market in the EU-28:—dgreports/—dcomm/documents/briefingnote/wcms_558032.pdf.