Gender-disaggregated data on the status of girls and education in Greece

Jul 26, 2017




The English version of the ninth e-bulletin of the Observatory of the General Secretariat for Gender Equality (GSGE), i.e. the governmental organization in charge of equality between women and men, has been uploaded on its website: .


More specifically, statistical data is presented for the following indicators:

1. Average achievement of adolescents in mathematics and science, by gender and field.

The indicator expresses the average performance of 15-year-old students in the PISA program; it is calculated as the average students performance in Mathematics and Physics.

2. Percentage of women in tertiary education by gender, age, field of study, higher education areas.

The indicator shows the percentage of women studying in higher education; the index is calculated as the quotient of the number of women in higher education towards the total number of students in tertiary education.


The main findings are the following:

a)in Greece, there are no statistically significant differences between the performance of girls and that of boys in natural sciences and mathematics

b)in the academic years from 2010/11 to 2014/15, 58.5% of the regular University students, on average, are women and 41.4% are men

c)the Higher Education system in Greece consists of 22 Universities and 14 Institutes of Technological/Applied Sciences, with 268 and 168 Departments respectively

d)during the five-year period 2010-2015 the total number of female students in tertiary education (Universities and Institutes of Technological/Applied Sciences) reached 758,345, while the total number of male students reached 626,405 with the respective percentages being 55% for female and 45% for male students.


It is noted that the GSGE is implementing a flagship project on service organisation for the integration, monitoring and evaluation of gender equality policies in all aspects of public sector action. The aim is to support the public administration and local authorities in the design, implementation and evaluation of policies with detailed data on equality issues.

The specialized website serves as a portal on useful data divided among the twelve priority areas of the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA). The access is free and open to all Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations and Institutions, as well as to all citizens and individuals. In that way, everyone can have accurate statistical background whenever he/she designs, implements or evaluates policies on gender equality aiming at the advancement of the status of women and girls in Greece.

Moreover, it is underlined that on page 40 at the 2015 Annual Report on Equality between Women and Men in the European Union (European Commission, March 2016, ) there has been a positive reference to the specific Greek project.

The e-bulletins take advantage of data derived from the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) as a follow-up of the activation of a Protocol of Cooperation between the General Secretariat for Gender Equality and ELSTAT, and they are also supported by lively graphs, diagrams and charts made solely by the employees of our organization.

Here is the list with the previous eight e-bulletins with gender-disaggregated data on the status of the female population in Greece:

– Women and Poverty (March 2016):

– Women in Decision-Making (May 2016):

– Women and Health (September 2016):

– Women and Economy (October 2016):

– Women and Armed Conflicts (December 2016):

– Women and Health (January 2017):

– Violence against Women (March 2017):

– Women and Health (April 2017): .


In that way, the gaps are revealed and all stakeholders are invited to common action in favour of substantive equality between women and men in all aspects of public and private life.


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