A comprehensive information campaign on the gender aspect of the UNESCO report on reshaping cultural policies by the Greek General Secretariat for Gender Equality
The General Secretariat for Gender Equality (GSGE), i.e. the governmental organization in charge of equality between women and men in Greece, has widely promoted the gender aspect of the UNESCO global report on reshaping cultural policies (chapter 9: gender equality – missing in action, December 2017) on a national and international level: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0026/002605/260592e.pdf .
First of all, a very comprehensive article in Greek and a concrete summary in English have already been uploaded on our website and our page in the social media since 18-12-2017:
a) our website (you will easily recognize the link to the UNESCO material):
Greek page: http://www.isotita.gr/η-επιτακτική-ανάγκη-για-την-αντιμετώπ/
English page: http://www.isotita.gr/en/reshaping-cultural-policies-gender-equality-missing-action-unesco-december-2017/
b)our page on the facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/Γενική-Γραμματεία-Ισότητας-των-Φύλων-388822604594196/ (initial page)
(the GSGE article uploaded on 19-12-2017)
(the GSGE press release uploaded on 19-12-2017).
In addition, on 18-12-2017 the GSGE comprehensive article on the key points of the gender aspect of the specific UNESCO report was communicated by us to a number of public organizations and independent bodies in Greece and on abroad. The recipients of our document have been, among others, the Hellenic Parliament, the Greek Ombudsman, the National Commission for Human Rights, all Ministries, the Permanent Representations of Greece to the International Organizations, all the key social partners, as well as the EU Institutions represented in Greece (i.e. the European Commission and the European Parliament) and the World Bank.
Furthermore, after a proposal by the competent GSGE Director for Planning, Standardization and Policy Monitoring on Gender Equality, the General Secretariat for Gender Equality issued a press release in Greek on 19-12-2017, which gained great publicity among the Mass Media and social media in Greece:
http://www.isotita.gr/δελτίο-τύπου-η-ισότητα-των-φύλων-στο-χ/ .
Here are some indicative links:
In that way, further promotion and greater visibility of our joint pivotal role on women’s empowerment and gender equality both legally and in practice have been achieved by our initiative among competent Greek stakeholders.