A successful comprehensive information and awareness-raising campaign by the Greek General Secretariat for Gender Equality on the gender aspect of the HLPF 2017 (Agenda 2030)
The General Secretariat for Gender Equality (GSGE), i.e. the governmental organization in charge of equality between women and men in Greece, has already uploaded both on the Greek and the English pages of its website on the internet and the facebook the recent Report of the UN Secretary-General on progress towards sustainable development (documentation for the HLPF 2017); unavoidably, our emphasis has been placed on the fifth Goal concerning gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls: http://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=E/2017/66&Lang=E .
Despite the fact that the text is in Greek, you will recognize the link to the UN Report in the detailed Greek article and the photo of the Goal 5 on the facebook at once. The relevant links are the following:
a)Greek version of our website: http://www.isotita.gr/η-κατάσταση-των-γυναικών-στον-πλανήτη/
b)English version of our website: http://www.isotita.gr/en/gender-equality-empowerment-women-girls-high-level-political-forum-sustainable-development-2017/
c)our page on the facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Γενική-Γραμματεία-Ισότητας-των-Φύλων-388822604594196/.
In addition, the UN Report has already been communicated by us to a number of public organizations and independent bodies in Greece. The recipients of our comprehensive message have been, among others, the Hellenic Parliament, the Greek Ombudsman, the National Commission for Human Rights, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Permanent Representations of Greece to the International Organizations, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Administrative Reconstruction, the Ministry of Education, Research & Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Labour, Social Security & Social Solidarity, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Culture & Sports, the Ministry of Justice, Transparency & Human Rights, the Ministry of Rural Development, as well as all the key social partners.
Furthermore, after a proposal by the competent GSGE Director for Development & Support of Policies on Gender Equality, the General Secretariat for Gender Equality issued a press release in Greek on 25-7-2017 concerning the key findings of the specific UN Report, which gained great publicity among the Mass Media and social media in Greece and in Cyprus: http://www.isotita.gr/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/ΔΤ-25.07.2017-Η-κατάσταση-των-γυναικών-στον-πλανήτη-ΟΗΕ-Ιούλιος-2017.pdf.
Here are some indicative 14 links:
4) https://www.alphafreepress.gr/katastasi-ton-ginekon-ston-planiti/
6) https://circogreco.gr/2017/07/25/i-katastasi-twn-gunaikwn-ston-planiti-sto-plasio-ulo/
7) http://sumvouleutikothivas.blogspot.gr/2017/07/19.html
8) http://oladeka.com/2017/07/η-κατάσταση-των-γυναικών-στον-πλανήτη/
In that way, further promotion and greater visibility of the role of the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development on women’s empowerment and equality between women and men have been achieved by our initiative among competent Greek stakeholders. After all, the specific UN Report can serve as a useful tool to design, implement and evaluate policies on gender equality in the field of women’s economic empowerment.