The English version of the bulletin by the Greek General Secretariat for Gender Equality on the feminization of poverty
The English version of the seventeenth comprehensive e-bulletin of the Observatory of the General Secretariat for Gender Equality (GSGE), i.e. the governmental organization in charge of equality between women and men, has been uploaded on its website and it deals with the fragile issue of the feminization of poverty in Europe and in Greece:
Here are some key findings of our analysis:
1) Examining the at-risk-of-poverty rate after social transfers by gender, the highest percentages for women are observed in the Balkan peninsula (first is Romania with 25,7% and second with 24,1% is Bulgaria), in the Baltic States (Estonia,Latvia and Lithuania) and in South Europe (Spain, Italy, Greece with 21,2% and Portugal).
2) While comparing the at-risk-of-poverty rate before and after social transfers, the impact of social expenditure was lower for the countries of South Europe and higher for the Scandinavian countries. More thoroughly, from the 16 countries that represent the main regimes of welfare state, the greater impact can be observed in Finland (57,04%) and in Norway (53,61%), while Greece presents the lowest degree of reduction of the at-risk-of-poverty rate after social transfers since the impact is 15,87%.
3) In Greece, the gender gap differentiates through the years. Until 2014 the percentage of the risk of poverty for women was higher than that of men and their difference ranged from 1,6% (2010) to 0,9% (2012). However, in 2014 the percentage of the risk of poverty for women seems to fall lower than that of men, reaching a difference of 0,3% in 2015 and from then on to follow a similar trajectory in 2016 (21,2% for both genders) and 2017 (20,2% for both genders).
4) Measures to address the phenomenon of female poverty constitute the rise of female employment and economic independence, the support of maternity and child-care, but also the support of single parent families.
The Greek version of the specific e-bulletin (August 2018) gained great publicity among the Mass Media and social media in Greece:ο-Ενημερωτικό-Σημείωμα-Εκθήλυνση-της-Φτώχειας.pdf
Here are some indicative links:,i-ftocheia-einai-genous-thilykou.htmlμεγαλύτερος-ο-κίνδυνος-φτώχειας-για-τ.htmlπαρατηρητήριο-ισότητας-των-φύλων-μεγ/μεγαλύτερος-ο-κίνδυνος-φτώχειας-για-τ/παρατηρητήριο-ισότητας-των-φύλων-μεγ/μεγαλύτερος-ο-κίνδυνος-φτώχειας-για/–megalyteros-o-kindynos-ftwcheias-gia-tis-gynaikesπαρατηρητήριο-ισότητας-των-φύλων-μεγ/ .
It is noted that the GSGE is implementing a flagship project on service organisation for the integration, monitoring and evaluation of gender equality policies in all aspects of public sector action. The aim is to support the public administration and local authorities in the design, implementation and evaluation of policies with detailed data on equality issues.
Moreover, it is underlined that on page 40 at the 2015 Annual Report on Equality between Women and Men in the European Union (European Commission, March 2016, ) there has been a positive reference to the specific Greek project.
The e-bulletins take advantage of data derived from the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) as a follow-up of the activation of a Protocol of Cooperation between the General Secretariat for Gender Equality and ELSTAT, and they are also supported by lively graphs, diagrams and charts made solely by the employees of our organization.
In that way, the gaps are revealed and all stakeholders are invited to common action in favour of substantive equality between women and men in all aspects of public and private life.