The Second Festival of Spanish Theatre has been sponsored by the Greek General Secretariat for Gender Equality (Athens, 15-17/12/2017)

The General Secretariat for Gender Equality (GSGE), i.e. the governmental organization in charge of equality between women and men in Greece, has sponsored the Second Festival of Spanish Theatre taken place in Athens on 15-17/12/2017 under the theme of Gender Equality, Violence, Migration, Poverty, Homophobia / Igualdad de Genero, Violencia, Emigracion, Pobreza, Homofobia .


The following institutions have also been among the co-organizers:

– University of the Peloponnese (relevant links in English and Spanish from the wikipedia: and )

– Cervantes Institute in Athens: .


Here are the links from the GSGE website on the promotional material of this gender-based cultural event:

a) press release in Greek issued by the General Secretariat for Gender Equality:δελτίο-τύπου-υπό-την-αιγίδα-της-γγιφ-τ/

b) the poster of the Festival in Greek and Spanish:Αφίσα-Φεστιβάλ-Ισπανικού-Θεάτρου.pdf

c) the programme of the Festival in Greek and Spanish:Πρόγραμμα-Φεστιβάλ-ισπανικού-θεάτρου_gr_es.pdf

d) background note in Spanish:


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